Facebook Lives can form part of a well-balanced social media strategy. In this blog, we explain how Facebook Lives can create a deeper connection to your audience and be a valuable tool to use for businesses.
What’s so special about a Facebook Live?
In a nutshell, a Facebook Live allows you to broadcast as its name suggests “live”. Your followers from around the globe can view your
This is an amazing (FREE!) way to reach your audience and to market your brand effortlessly, anywhere, anytime!
We could all use convenience in our busy lives. This is exactly why you and your business should be using Facebook Live for the good of your brand as well as your online community.
Since videos are one of the most effective ways of grabbing attention online, doing regular Facebook Lives helps market your business and create brand awareness.
It’s a personal approach
With the way our communication methods have changed over the years, businesses can now also use nifty ways to reach their customers. With Facebook’s Live feature, you can communicate with anyone no matter where in the world you may find yourself.
Because the video feeds are live, it connects people on a more personal level. In other words, they not simply reading a post written a year ago but you can update them on the latest news as it’s happening.
How does Facebook Live work?
It’s really easy to do Facebook Live. We at Big Domino Marketing do Facebook Lives at least once a week, and sometimes more often if we have something important to share. Take a look at our Facebook page to watch some of the Lives we’ve done where we do FREE digital marketing training.
Facebook Live best practices
Even though you can just click “Go Live” on your phone or desktop, it’s best to be prepared before you go live!
Here are some tips to ensure your Live goes smoothly:
- Decide on the best date and time for your
Live , and then let your audience know about it. Post in advance informing people what the topic is and when you will be hopping on Live. Do you have an international audience? Then be sure to post the time-zone as well. - You don’t necessarily need to script your Live (after all, no one is tuning in to watch you read to them) but take the time beforehand to plan what you want to talk about.
- Consider the impact of your surroundings or background on your viewers.
- You will need a decent internet connection to prevent lagging and poor picture quality due to buffering.
- Consider the noise around you. Depending on what you are showing or discussing with your audience, you might need to move to a quieter area. If you are doing a Live promoting an event then naturally there will be noise in the background and that’s fine.
- All systems go! – don’t delay or drag out your broadcast in the hopes to gather more viewers as this will affect the overall quality of your video. You may end up going off topic or causing boredom to your audience.
- Make your headline count – people won’t stay if something doesn’t motivate or attract their interest.
- Keep the engagement – urge your viewer’s engagement by greeting some of them when they join and answering their questions. You can also prompt them for questions related to the topic.
- Enjoy your Facebook Live! The best thing you can do to appear natural in front of the camera is to imagine that you are talking to one specific person, like your best friend.
How can Facebook live benefit your business?

It’s a cost-effective method of broadcasting
To run the Facebook Live feature, all you need is the app, an internet connection, and your desktop or
Vital analytics
When it comes to getting down to the figures, you’ll need an effective analytics tool, which thankfully is provided by the Facebook Live tool. You can check which videos are doing well after having posted them and you can check which angle you can take. By this, we simply mean you’ll have a better idea of what type of content your viewers prefer as well as the peak hours of “video watch time”.
Get more views
The aim of brand awareness and engagement is to get people to see what you have to offer and how your services and or product can help benefit their lives.
Promotes engagement
Because so many people prefer live streams to pre-recorded videos that they can catch the person’s interaction in live time, it adds to why this video feature is so successful. Your viewers will engage better with you, your brand and even with each other. This is exactly what you want for boosting your business.
Make your viewers excited about your products
Facebook Live brings a sense of immediacy to your audience. If you promote the
Connect by answering some of your viewer’s previous questions
Customers always have questions; it’s their way of learning about a new product and sharing their experience with each other. You can help your viewers by dedicating time and day to answering questions they may have had about your product or services.
This is a good way for them again to see you in a “personal” unedited or “airbrushed” state and this connects you to your viewers on an emotional level. Emotions are a vital factor when it comes to winning customers.
The video feature can become a big part of providing value to
Get more traffic
Another fantastic thing about using live video for your business is that it drives traffic hence generating more views and more potential customers for your business. More and more people are choosing videos over readable content in the digital move we live in.
It’s user-friendly
A great thing about the Facebook app is that you don’t have to be a rocket scientist or a world-class genius to figure out the app. Thanks to its overall user-friendliness, you can enjoy making your videos, posting and monitoring its progress by yourself.
Also, the Live is posted to your Facebook page after the broadcast, which means that the rest of your audience can watch it as a “replay” if they weren’t able to attend the Live at the time you were on.
The Takeaway
When Facebook first made its acquaintance to the entire world in 2006, who would’ve thought the social media app would gain so much fame and attraction. It simply allowed people to connect digitally. Fifteen years since its launch in 2004 when a group of varsity friends put their minds together, Facebook has grown in numbers and has over 2 billion active users.
The great thing about the network is that it has an array of fantastic benefits for businesses, whether you’re a freelance professional, focused on retail, or looking to market your enterprise in the health industry.
Along with paid advertising, there are many other ways Facebook encourages businesses to engage with their audience.
No matter the industry or your degree of professionalism, Facebook can help you engage your viewers with many tools including the live video feature. It can also help you create leads and simply add many benefits to your business.
The best way to get comfortable in front of the camera is to just do it. Your confidence and delivery will improve over time.
Are you using Facebook to the advantage of your business? If not, it’s high time you gave it a try because not only is it cost-effective, but can help you make more sales and improve your business.