Copywriting VS Content

Content Writing VS Copywriting

Is there a massive difference between the two? As a business owner, you may have heard how important it is to create quality content. On the other hand, you might know that copywriting is a type of writing used specifically for advertisements. One of the sure things about marketing is that content is king and…

Business Networking

Business Networking made Simple

How to form strategic connections. Networking plays a vital part in boosting your business, sales, and getting the exposure you need to thrive even more. In a nutshell, it can be defined as being the “living” advertisements for other businesses within the same network. Entrepreneurs come together with a common goal and that is to…

Benefits of social media

Social Media benefits for your business

Why you need to leverage Social Media to enhance your business Social media is essential to get your company, products and services visible to the online world and your potential customers. While young millennials are early adopters and leveraging every platform to their advantage, serious business owners might have dismissed social media as being irrelevant.…

SSL for your website

SSL: Is Your Site Secure?

Crucial changes that affect your website! Did you know that from July this year, Google has been flagging websites that don’t have an SSL certificate installed as “Not Secure”? This blog explains what SSL is and why Google took this step. Most importantly, it explains why you should install an SSL certificate immediately, if you…

Hiring Staff Featured Image

Should you hire marketing staff or freelancers?

Every business needs a workforce to drive the company forward. Without dedicated and talented staff, you will find it impossible to expand your horizons. As an entrepreneur, trying to fulfil every function is impossible and your business will suffer. Finding the right team to match your business needs, however, can be difficult. This blog aims…